Saturday, April 04, 2009

Mock tri TODAY! *gasp!*

Holy crap. I'm going to figure out TODAY whether or not I can handle it. The 5 of us are going to do a mock tri at around 11:30 this morning. If I survive, it will at least give me a pretty good idea of how long it's going to take me to finish, kinda. I don't plan on pushing myself too incredibly hard. It's only 2 weeks until the actual tri and.....

And, next Saturday it's a 5K Fun Run in Jasper! Man, I know so many people doing it, it's going to be seriously fun! Angie, Steph, Kelly, Jill, Myra, and Steve (even though he's tried so many excuses to get out of it!). Cool.


Nicole said...

WELLL, how did it go?

Carmen said...

How'd you do? Are you excited?

I am so inspired by you!!

Ann Leek said...

Well? Well? Well? How did it go?

shannon said...

i'm totally hoping to do this once i'm released by my doc. well, get moving. i'm sure you'll kick butt in a few weeks!

Liz Goldhawk said...

so didja make it? I'm on pins and needles for an update! ;)

Anonymous said...

Kelly was off all day Tuesday and didn't give you guys an update?!?!? For shame. That recipe swap and a long list of errands kept her busy.

First off, she did survive. I know you all were worrying about that one since she was so rude as to not post since we did the mock.

Secondly, she did great! She did the whole route, didn't hurt herself or puke. And actually came in at a respectable time. I'm very proud of her.

Granted, she's been pretty sore since. But hopefully not too sore for this Saturday's 5k. I'd have to miss that. I really would. ;-)

I was going to take the camera and get some pics of the mock but didn't. But I'm sure we'll have plenty of pics from the actual tri.


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