Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, baby girl!!!

I can't believe it! My baby is 6 today! 1st grader, missing her top 2 and bottom 2 teeth, full of spunk and attitude, Daddy's little girl, Hannah Montana fanatic, flip-flopper (and I don't mean the shoes), our little fashion diva, can't pronounce her R's who has the most beautiful natural highlights in her hair (yes, I'm a wee bit jealous!). This doesn't even come close to summing up this little ball of fire, but it's a start!

I remember the day her big sister, Mara (not quite 3 years old yet), came to visit her in the hospital. Mara sat on my hospital bed holding Micah in her lap with my help and just fawned all over her baby sister. Anytime anyone came in to see Micah or tried to hold her, Mara threw a HUGE fit! Grandpa Jewell eventually had to take Mara out of the room so that other people could hold Micah without hearing her fit! McKenna was about 20 months old and could care less about the new addition to the family!

I also remember that this was a labor and delivery where I had no pain medication and not by my choice! No way. I was admitted right after my doctor's appt. that day due to pre-eclampsia. I was hooked up to pitocin for awhile until my doc came in to break my water. I knew from experience that that's when the "fun" starts. I don't remember how many hours I was in pain, but I just wasn't dilating even after the nurse had upped my pitocin to as much dosage as she could give me. The decision was made that my doc was going to manually dilate me. OUCH, you say? Well, I was begging for anything to be done by this time! I just knew that an epidural was in my near future and I could not wait! Well, it's all a kind of blur after that. The epidural tray was set up and ready to go, but never got used. I went from 0 to dilated to 10 within one contraction, honest to God. I've never seen a group of people move so fast then! I just remember grabbing Steve by the shirt and pulling him to me yelling "I can't do this!!!". Let's just say I was not winning Patient of the Year by this point with any of those nurses in the room! LOL!! But, all ended just fine and dandy. Micah was 5lb. 9oz. of wonderful joy! We even left the hospital a day early! And Grandma Lillian and Grandpa Birrell came to visit shortly after we arrived home.

It's been a wild 'n crazy 6 years, little one! Have a Happy 6th Birthday!!!


Brandy said...

childbirth scares me, thanks for reinforcing that!! but happy bday to a little girl who def has the bestest highlights ever

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Micah!!!!! I know what you mean about our babies turning 6!!!! They are getting soooo big!!!

Nicole said...

Tell Michah I said Happy Birthday and give her a kiss from me!

Liz Goldhawk said...

Happy Birthday Micah!!!

TanishaRenee said...

Happy belated to your DD- how cute that you almost had a baby on your dad's b-day.

I love your scrappy stuff slide- it's bursting with LO goodness!! You have a talent for layering!

Kache said...

yikes on the labor story :)

But what a cute kit!

Keely Livings said...

You are the funniest! Such a beautiful little girl! Happy Birthday!

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